Experienced Motorcycle Accident Attorney’s Should Handle Motorcycle Accidents – At Zafran Law, We Have Such A Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Attorney Dave Kline has been practicing law for more than 31 years and riding motorcycles for 40 years.

A Personal Injury Lawyer Who Rides Motorcycles, Knows Motorcycles

The average personal injury lawyer has no idea.

Almost every Plaintiff’s personal injury attorney in America advertises for motorcycle accident cases, typically because the injuries often involve head injuries, broken bones, severe hematoma, and lacerations that leave scars. However, being in an accident while operating a CAGE vs being in an accident while riding a motorcycle are about as different as night and day.

Unless you ride a street motorcycle, you can’t appreciate the nuances of riding a bike and fully appreciate the factors at play in what caused a motorcycle crash. You need an experienced motorcycle accident lawyer.

The average personal injury lawyer who does not ride has no clue what counter-steering is and how it can save their life.

The average personal lawyer doesn’t know that your front brake gives you about 70% of your stopping power and that hitting your front brakes will not send you over the handlebars. The average joe doesn’t know you should never lay your bike down, or how to steer out of a skid. But a motorcycle accident lawyer does. Many motorcyclists think they should lay the bike down to avoid impact with another vehicle, but this is almost never the right thing to do.

First of all, if you lay your bike down, you’ve now crashed the bike. You’ve damaged yourself and your bike, when you could have possibly used counter-steering or another technique to avoid a collision in the first place. Second, bikes today have much better brakes than even 20 years ago, making the myth of laying it down because you can’t brake in time almost always a fallacy.

Hire A Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Who Knows

Finally, you should hire a motorcycle accident lawyer who has himself (or herself) crashed so he or she really knows what it’s like, and can relate to YOUR crash like no ordinary CAGE driving lawyer can. Dave Kline has crashed.

It happened in 2003 in Toronto, Canada. Dave motorcycled directly from the Round House in Center City Philadelphia (where his motorcycling friend, a police captain, and another friend, a homicide ADA worked), and we rode straight to Niagara Falls. We bivouacked there and the next day rode thru Buffalo en route to Toronto. While in Toronto, Dave crossed a small but unavoidable stream on his 1982 custom purple Yamaha Seca Turbo, which had higher than standard boost. While he didn’t touch the gas, the rear wheel didn’t like the moss and the rear tire slipped right out from under Dave. He went down on his side, the bike still running (perhaps because it was carbureted).

She went down on the left side, so Dave had to manually unbend the shift lever so he could shift the bike on the ride home. His ankle wasn’t broken but it was badly sprained. No options. Had to suck up the pain and ride that way. Incredibly, Dave and his friends were able to pick up the Seca T and she just kept on running. Feeling that rear tire slip out as if somebody had kicked it out is something you don’t forget; neither is the weight of a heavy bike landing on your ankle/leg. BUT IF YOU RIDE LONG ENOUGH, EXPERIENCED RIDERS KNOW IT IS NOT A MATTER OF IF YOU’RE GOING TO GET INTO AN ACCIDENT, IT’S A MATTER OF WHEN. Contact an experienced motorcycle accident lawyer when it happens to you.

Hire A Motorcycle Accident Lawyer, Not A Generic Personal Injury Lawyer

So, why would you ever hire a non-motorcycling, generic personal injury lawyer when you can hire Zafran’s motorcycle accident attorney DAVE KLINE? He has been riding since the early 1980s when he commuted to Temple on his 1981 brand new maroon Honda CM400 Custom. Today, he regularly rides his BEAST of a 1993 Yamaha V-Max, which was once the most powerful stock motorcycle you could buy (albeit in 1985)! In the early 1980s, unlike today, 3 and 4-year-old non-current motorcycles were packed inside showrooms and were getting sold at heavy discounts off MSRP due to the newly passed Harley tariff and economic conditions.

KLINE knows motorcycle accidents and KLINE, an experienced motorcycle accident lawyer, works for ZAFRAN. If you’ve been involved in a motorcycle accident involving any degree of injury, call the lawyer with 31 years of personal injury experience (for both sides) as well as 40 years of international riding experience. KLINE knows what it’s like to have been in a crash on a motorcycle– and will appreciate the nuances in a way that only an experienced rider can.

As an experienced motorcycle accident lawyer, KLINE can also answer questions about the repeal of Pennsylvania’s mandatory helmet law (for most of us) and how to defeat common defenses used against motorcyclists by the non-motorcycling casualty defense attorneys out there, and answer any questions about motorcycle accident cases specifically. Recently, he settled a motorcyclist’s claim even where the rider voluntarily laid his bike down. Initially, the carrier had denied the claim. A year later, they paid the full $100k policy limits of the CAGE operator. Talk to Dave. No obligation. No charge. You have nothing to lose– unless you don’t talk to him and hire one of the gazillion “generic” personal injury lawyers out there.